Tin Man Lee is a wildlife photographer and educator who has a deep love of wild animals since a young age. He's the past recipient of the Grand Prize of Nature's Best Photography (NBP) Windland Smith Rice International, a contest with 25,000 entries from 50 countries, among other awards. His photos have been displayed in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC and published in the covers of Alaska Magazine, Wild Planet Photo Magazine, and the annual NANPA Expressions. He was an invited judge of some of the most prestigious photo contests such as Nature Photographer Of The Year and Bird Photographer Of The Year. He's been featured in the Smithsonian Earth, NBP, Outdoor Photographer Magazine, Nik Softwares, 500px, Peta Pixels, etc. In 2014 he was invited for a solo exhibit of 48 photos for 5 months at HKUST, Hong Kong. Tin Man has over a thousand students who have taken his class. His goal is to teach aspiring photographers how to evoke emotion and tell powerful stories through their photos so as to awaken empathy in people and help more wildlife.